Guests pumping the wrong fuel type in an RV causes about $1 million in claims every year. Not only does it damage the vehicle, it also causes the host to lose out on potential rental income while the RV is being repaired.
This is an especially common issue among diesel vehicles.
To help protect your vehicle, use these tips.
Educate your guests
We suggest that you educate your guests during the walkthrough and even call out the fuel type in any RV guide or manual you provide. You can also remind them about what fuel to use as part of any mid-trip communication you send.
Make sure you’ve set the fuel type for your listing
Go to the Vehicle details section of your listing in your Outdoorsy account. There, under Fuel Type, you can select gas, diesel, or electric. Then, be sure to select Save at the bottom of the page.
If you have a diesel RV, order a free sticker
You can request a free sticker that reads DIESEL ONLY from Outdoorsy. Place this on your vehicle near the fuel cap or on the fuel lid. To get your sticker, go to the Outdoorsy store, enter access code OutdoorsyOwner, and request the sticker, as well as a RENT ME sticker or magnet, if you like.
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