Keeping your calendar up to date is a vital part of being the best Outdoorsy host you can be. Having to decline requests due to your calendar showing available for dates that aren’t can affect your host stats, and no one wants that! Plus it’s always a bummer for a guest to land on a rig as cool as yours to then find out it’s not available.
There are several reasons why you may not be able to rent out your rig on certain days, one of them being when you’ve finally decided to treat yourself to a vacation so you’re using it personally.
There is a simple process to make sure that your calendar is always up to date! Follow these steps to block off dates that are unavailable.
- Select Calendar in your host account
- From the dropdown on the left, select the Listing calendar you wish to update
- Click on an individual date or Update availability
- Input the dates that are not available, and select Unavailable
- You won't be able to adjust the nightly rate for Unavailable dates
- Click Apply when you're all done—the unavailable dates should be greyed out in the Calendar now!
Once you have completed those steps, your calendar will be updated and guests will no longer be able to request a booking for those dates.
If you ever need to unblock dates that you previously set as Unavailable, just follow the same steps. Once you get to step 4, select Available, or No trips start or end, adjust the nightly rate if you would like, and hit Apply again. Your rig will then reappear in the search for those days and guests can send over requests.
Pro tip! Sometimes things come up suddenly so setting a weekly reminder on your smartphone to update your Outdoorsy calendar can help eliminate the chances of forgetting to block off dates!
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